Founded in 2012 with the backing from US private equity
firm J.C. Flowers & Co, Castle Trust (as it was known back then) offered
investment products and specialist mortgage finance. The business has since
evolved with the acquisition of Omni Capital Retail Finance in 2017, adding
point of sale retail finance to its range of services. In June 2020 we were
issued our banking licence and became Castle Trust Bank. Our product
proposition now consists of savings accounts, specialist mortgage/property
finance and retail finance.
Savings - our
Savings business line offers a variety of savings accounts with a choice of
terms and interest payment options. From traditional fixed-rate savings
accounts, to tax-free ISAs and notice accounts, our growing portfolio of
products caters for both new and existing customers, serving just under 22,000
Property - our
Property business line offers customers a range of products with specialist
mortgage needs, from buy-to-let to shorter-term bridging finance, we have the
experience and appetite to make lending decisions based on the individual’s
circumstances. Our products are distribution led via authorised financial
intermediaries, working with an impressive portfolio of over 400 brokers.
Retail Finance - our
retail finance business line, Omni Capital Retail Finance, delivers simple and
effective point of sale payment solutions for retailers and customers.
Working across a diverse range of sectors, Omni partners with 2,200 retailers
nationwide with tailored solutions to meet the needs of their customers that
allow them to spread the cost of purchases that help improve their lives.
'Powering purchases. Improving lives'.
continue to thrive through high net promoter scores, demonstrating our
commitment in providing an exceptional service to our retail partners and
customers. All of this continues to provide a springboard for future growth –
something incredible for you to be part of and to help us achieve our aim – to
be The Place to Work, The Place to Invest and The Place to do Business.